Here is a list of resources we are using to develop this project.

Scientific guidelines:

Papers for developing the questionnaire:

  • Nutrition attitudes, problems and behaviours in oncology survivors: Link to the paper

  • Information Needs of Cancer Patients and Perception of Impact of the Disease, of Self-Efficacy, and Locus of Control: Link to the paper

Papers on nutrition and breast cancer:

Cancer diet myths:

Some breast cancer patients will start to follow alternative nutritional advice, the Association of UK Dieticians have summarised the most common ones: Common dietary myths

Breast cancer patients’ forum:

We consulted several breast cancer patients’ forum:

General info available to patients:

  • MacMillan nutritional advice for patients preparing for treatment: Eating well and keeping active

  • The Cancer and Nutrition helpline is launching: <a href=”” style=”color: white; text-decoration: underline;text-decoration-style: dotted;”Helpline/</a>